Looking for Lobsters?- Hometown Memories


Good morning everyone.  We are busy packing up suitcases and boxes to ship home.  When I get back to Winter Harbor I’m going to be looking forward to getting some lobsters.  It’s been a long winter here watching the tanks at the local grocery store hold those poor old lobsters that to my thinking can’t possibly be nearly as good as what we have available all around us in Winter Harbor.  I love going to the Co-Op to buy lobster. I don’t go as often as I think about going but when I walk down that road and see the views beyond it feels like coming home.  There have been major changes to the Co-Op over the years.  I remember being a kids and climbing up the slippery ladders to the top of Mort Torrey’s Wharf from the boat below.  I was always pretty sure I’d loose my grip and go flying back into the boat or worse yet into the water.  Luckily I never did fall.  Most visits to the area of the wharf though were like a warm embrace.  There is something about that little cove, the light, the water, the smells-I just love being there and many of those feelings, smells and sights can be found there even today.  The Co-Op has grown along with the demands of the business, but seeing the boats pull up to fill up with fuel and bait and to sell lobsters after a day of hauling is one scene I just love.  The boats, the people and the buildings have changed a lot but the business of selling the haul, getting fuel and bait at the end of a day on the water remain.