Challenging Work Brings Opportunity-Throwback Thursday:Hometown Memories

The mirror is the challenge presented to artists this year as a fundraiser.  We were given a mirror in a 26 x 54 frame.  Every year we have the chance to make a piece of art from some everyday object that can be used in the home.

I usually get the information in early June and have until October to pick the piece up at the museum and take it home for transformation.  The real transformation usually happens within my thought processes and skill set.  Usually an idea comes to me quite soon but then I spend all summer taking and teaching classes, making the work for the Gallery to sell and spending as much time as I can with the Grandchildren.    All of a sudden it is mid September and I have not yet begun to actual work on the project.  You see, after I have made the decision about how to transform the piece, my mind thinks “It’s finished”, but of course it is not.

I confer with my husband about how to physically transform the piece in some way.  This year we added approx. 10″ to one side of the mirror frame and a cradle to support the whole piece.  When I say we, I mean he did the work, I just sanded, primed and painted the product he produced.  Thankfully he is very generous with his talents.  I begin to create the final painted piece.  Somewhere along the line there is a new product, new design idea or new technique that takes time to be incorporated.  Then I need to add time for accidents that might occur, ( I know this after 10 years of experience) setting the finished product back by sometimes as much as a week.  Then to top it off this year I went to reinstall the mirror and realized it was cracked-so a new mirror had to be ordered.  Luckily the folks at the museum are patient and gracious.

The auction is being held on November 13th at 6pm at the Hilton Garden Inn in Bangor.  It is always amazing to attend this auction.  I love seeing all of the creations in one room, seeing the atmosphere of good times for a good cause and the very supportive crowd who attend and buy the art.  Check out the website at  to see the beautiful work folks have done.  Bidding will be possible in person or online.

Leonardo's Penumbra 36 x 54 mirror frame in Acrylic Paint

Leonardo’s Penumbra
36 x 54 mirror frame in Acrylic Paint